Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It's been a while!!!

Wow, I am the biggest slacker when it comes to posting on my blog. Time has just flown by these past couple months. Being back to work has really thrown a wrench in the free time. We have done quite a bit since my last post. We took our first long road trip to Milwaukee to visit with some family and friends. M&M did much better than I expected in the vehicle. Had to stop a couple times but did really well. We went up to Higgins Lake for a very special day. My Aunt Marcy celebrated her 10th year of fighting cancer. It was her 10th anniversary on the 4th of July. We had a great day on the water and just spending time with the family. Aunt Marcy is very special to us. She is an amazingly strong women with such a warm and caring heart! She comes over once a week to spend time with M&M and sometimes she makes me get out of the house for some "ME" time.

This coming weekend we are headed up to a friends cottage on Long Lake. Can't wait! We go up every year and spend the weekend laughing and just relaxing! Most of the days are out on the lake. This is the first time for M&M. Our friends have a 5 year old and a little guy that is a month older than M&M. My brother and sister in law will be there as well with Sophia. Will surely post some pics when we get back!

In the mean time here is an adorable picture I captured a week or so ago when we went for an evening stroll. M&M just had a bath, all cozy in their jammies and ended up taking a snooze!


And along comes three... said...

Love the pic Amy! They are too cute snoozing like that!

momoftwinz said...

Yay-- a new post! Luv the pic and the new look of the blog! Can't wait to see the babes in vacation pictures!