Friday, February 8, 2008

Chatter box!!

Mallory woke up talking and didn't stop the whole day!! THE GIRL CAN TALK! She is really been vocal the past couple days. And what funny faces she makes. I can't stop laughing at her. When she smiles her big cheeks make her eyes go squinty. It is so stinking cute!! I love it! Max better watch out as Mal is going to drive him crazy!

Am looking for a new hairstyle....I easily get bored with my hair. Maybe it's the color that is frustrating me. Right now it is a blah brown. I think I want something a bit more trendy-er! But then again that means I have to do it every day!

Tomorrow the babes and I are going to venture out to the mall. We have been cooped up inside with 10 inches of snow we got the other day. I need to get some exercise. I have 10 more pounds to lose to hit my prepregnancy weight...and what better than shopping it off!

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