Thursday, May 1, 2008

Finally back at the blog world! has been ages since I have blogged and I feel really guilty as I have not journaled how the babies are doing. I keep a calendar with all their milestones but blogging is much more fun! We had a sick household for a good month. My husband got it first then runny noses for the babies, then Max got RSV, then I got sick then onto Mallory! Man, it seemed like that sickness lasted a year!!! Thank goodness the days of breathing treatments are over for the babies! That was just an added step to my day. As of today, everyone is very healthy! (knock, knock!)

The babies are doing so many new things!!!! Max is army crawling across the floor! Hysterical! I love it! Mallory is just starting to roll over. She is a bit behind Max but she is catching up quickly. They sit up all by themselves and seem to really love it! They aren't sure how to get back downt on the floor without a bit THUD! Doesn't seem to phase Max though. The babies started swimming classes last Saturday....They had a ball! Smiling and giggling! So happy they like it! I really want them to like the water. Will post a picture of swim class this weekend! Need to get a good snapshot!

Feels good to be back...

1 comment:

momoftwinz said...

Welcome back! Can't believe how fast those babes are growing!!