Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Jungle Gym

Over the holiday we had to get M &M out and burn off some energy and what a better way than jumping around at our local Jungle Gym. They love it there. They took along their cousin Sophia as well as Grandma and Grandpa Brandt that were here visiting from WI. Max's favorite thing to do there is crawl in all the tunnels. And I think we have a gymnast on our hands with Mallory. Her favorite is the trampoline; she would play on that the whole time.

With the way I post (every 2, 3, 4 weeks) I am wishing everyone new year filled with happiness, good health and love!


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Bundled the babes up and out we went! The two love to be outdoors. Mal wants to be up and walking around-althought she often tips over in her marshmallow suit, and Max just wants to sit there, put snow on his gloves and eat it.

A little update on what is new with them:

Mallory loves her beads (necklace). Every morning she gets up she goes right to her basket that has all her necklaces and bracelets in it and puts them all on.

She is saying a few words, up, momma, dada, ball, nana (banana). Loves to dance especially to Five Silly Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. She will say woof woof for dog and bawk for chicken.

The girl wanders all over the house. We will find her curled up in a ball in her closet on a shelf. She is very independent and the leader of the two. Really into her daddy right now.

Max lOVES books. Especially ones with Dogs in it. Will go through the entire book shelf till he finds his favorite book.

I think his favorite food right now is bananas. He says a few words as well: nana for banana, woof woof for dog, mumma, dad, I think he calls Mallory mom. There is a difference when he calls me vrs Mallory. If you ask him where Mallory is, he will say Mom and go find her. Says up, bawk bawk for chicken, Mawk for milk. Shakes his head for NO.

Max is still a momma's boy. He is very sensitive. A little cuddle bug with me.

They both love to sit on your lap and read books. Both love to give kisses and wrestle around on the floor with Daddy.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Had to post this sweet picture of the babes holding hands in the car. They do it quite often and I think it is so sweet! They are cracking me up these days! SOOO much has happened since I last posted.....2 MONTHS AGO! Surprised they haven't kicked me off! The twins tured 1 on Oct 15th. And I can't even tell you how much fun they are right now! I LOVE this age! They are doing new things everyday and it just amazes me how they learn so much! I am so thankful to have such two wonderful, healthy babies...and an amazing husband as well. I am so in love with all of them it just brings tears to my eyes! Again, so thankful!

Also posted a picture of the babes at Halloween. Mal was the monkey and Max was the lion. They had a ball, although they did get pretty warm in their costumes.

And finally there is a picture of them at their birthday...They had a ball. The party was a bit bigger than I anticipated. I think there were almost 60 people here. Hell of a 1st birthday party!!!!!! I have the picture backwards in order...oops. I am in a rush as I have to head to the parents for my second turkey dinner of the day. I am going to be in a coma by the time I get home.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Daddy's little ones!

Just had to post this picture. I took this when we were in WI. I just love it!!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Family vacation to Hayward

Boy, have I been delinquent! I got yelled at by Each Day is a Gift that I need to get moving on updating my blog. I am embarrassed at how long it has been. Anyway, here is a picture of Mallory on our family vacation back to Hayward to visit the in-laws. She had a blast playing in the water! Her favorite part was to eat the sand...yuck! I think she thought it was rather tastey. Max had a rough day in the water. I think it was because he took a face dive as soon as he sat in the water. It ruined his whole day! Here is a cute picture of the big boy! They aren't walking yet but are walking around furniture and behind a walker. They are hilarious! And Mal is standing up by herself and boy, is she proud! And Max loves to push her down....pretty funny! They are both saying MaMa, DaDa, Ba (for ball), BaBa. And LOTS of jibberish. I am having so much fun right now watching them interact and play together. They giggle and chase eachother all over the house. Growing up so fast!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It's been a while!!!

Wow, I am the biggest slacker when it comes to posting on my blog. Time has just flown by these past couple months. Being back to work has really thrown a wrench in the free time. We have done quite a bit since my last post. We took our first long road trip to Milwaukee to visit with some family and friends. M&M did much better than I expected in the vehicle. Had to stop a couple times but did really well. We went up to Higgins Lake for a very special day. My Aunt Marcy celebrated her 10th year of fighting cancer. It was her 10th anniversary on the 4th of July. We had a great day on the water and just spending time with the family. Aunt Marcy is very special to us. She is an amazingly strong women with such a warm and caring heart! She comes over once a week to spend time with M&M and sometimes she makes me get out of the house for some "ME" time.

This coming weekend we are headed up to a friends cottage on Long Lake. Can't wait! We go up every year and spend the weekend laughing and just relaxing! Most of the days are out on the lake. This is the first time for M&M. Our friends have a 5 year old and a little guy that is a month older than M&M. My brother and sister in law will be there as well with Sophia. Will surely post some pics when we get back!

In the mean time here is an adorable picture I captured a week or so ago when we went for an evening stroll. M&M just had a bath, all cozy in their jammies and ended up taking a snooze!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

I am a bit late at posting pics from Daddy's birthday party! The babies were dressed up in their party hats! (my mom made them) It was hilarious!!! They did a great job of keeping them on!
The babies are eating machines these days!!! LOVE to eat big people food! Had pieces of chicken, chunks of potatoes and peaches for dinner last night. Just afraid they won't want to eat the baby food anymore!!! They can't grow up this fast!!!!!! They will be 8 months on the 15th and I just seriously cannot believe it!!
Today we are going to the Zoo with some friends. Will post some pictures later this week!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ut Oh Mommy....

This morning Max took my glasses off my face and snapped them in two....LITTLE STINKER! I often think I have a little Hulk Hogan on my hands. He is so darn strong! I couldn't be mad at him the look on his face when it happened was so darn cute!! But I tell you, he sure is a little monster these days! SO busy!
Some new things they are doing:
  • Still army crawling it all over the floor. Sure is rocking on all fours!
  • He pulled himself up to the exersaucer a couple days ago, the fist time her attempted it he fell but he second time he made it all the way up! Amazing!
  • He says: Mom Mom Mom Mom. I LOVE IT!


  • GOT TWO TEETH!!! On the bottom.
  • Rolls all over the place
  • Chatter box
  • Gets up at 5am these days....UGH...Need to work on that.
  • Dances...a little. When you play music she will rock forward and backward while sitting and just grin from ear to ear!

I started work this past week at the hospital. Was a very rough week leaving the babes. I missed them so much. I am really enjoying getting back into the nursing field. Two days a week I work the plastic surgery unit! My first day on that unit is Thursday, very fired up about that! Another good thing about that unit, my schedule is 5:30am-5:30pm. I will be able to give the babes baths and put them to bed. Otherwise my schedule is 7am-7pm. Don't get to see them at all. Breaks my heart!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Cheeks and chins!!

Mallory is all Cheeks and thighs these days. I love the chubbiness! She is really developing a personality! She is so laid back and content. Max is such a busy boy! He is on the go constantanly and such a ham!
I haven't been doing ANY crafting the past month and a half...We had some basement issues and my craft room is tore apart right now. Plus I really don't have much free time on my hands. Next week I start my externship at the hospital. 3 days a week, I think I will probably cry my eyes out the first day. I will be working 12 hour shifts 7am to 7pm. So will go to work while the babies are sleeping and get home when they are sleeping! Going to be rough!
About 4 weeks ago I start working out again. Getting that last bit of baby weight off. I go to www.seungnifitplex.com and am participating in the Body Challenge. It combines body pump, aerobic kickboxing, flexibility and a sound nutritional program (the zone diet) to get you in the best shape of your life. It is an 8 week long course and so far I have lost a total of 7.5 lbs, 6 inches off my waist and 5 inches off my hips. I feel great!! My goal is to lose 6 more pounds. I know I can do it!!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Finally back at the blog world!

WOW....it has been ages since I have blogged and I feel really guilty as I have not journaled how the babies are doing. I keep a calendar with all their milestones but blogging is much more fun! We had a sick household for a good month. My husband got it first then runny noses for the babies, then Max got RSV, then I got sick then onto Mallory! Man, it seemed like that sickness lasted a year!!! Thank goodness the days of breathing treatments are over for the babies! That was just an added step to my day. As of today, everyone is very healthy! (knock, knock!)

The babies are doing so many new things!!!! Max is army crawling across the floor! Hysterical! I love it! Mallory is just starting to roll over. She is a bit behind Max but she is catching up quickly. They sit up all by themselves and seem to really love it! They aren't sure how to get back downt on the floor without a bit THUD! Doesn't seem to phase Max though. The babies started swimming classes last Saturday....They had a ball! Smiling and giggling! So happy they like it! I really want them to like the water. Will post a picture of swim class this weekend! Need to get a good snapshot!

Feels good to be back...

Friday, March 14, 2008


I just have to say that my life couldn't get any better!!!! M & M are doing so many new things right now. Sunday Big Shooter-that's what I'll call my husband-Beth knows why I call him that-put together the babes exersaucer. They LOVE IT! Max gets all fired up when the music comes on and by the end of the evening he figured out how to turn the music on. And Mallory is in Awe of all the new toys! Sooo cute! Then on Tuesday the 11th we started with rice cereal!!!! Talk about hysterical!!!! Mal was so excited...had a look on her face like what took you so long to figure out we needed more than that dang bottle. She Oooooh and and kicked her feet. We were cracking up! And Max just wasn't too sure of it! But the next night he was all into it!! A whole new world for them!!!!

Last night before bath time, I was laying with Max on the couch and he was on my chest, I was tickling his sides and he was laughing and squealing! It was GREAT! Both Mal and Max's smiles are so contagious!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

cozy tag blanket

Finally getting to posting my little tag blankets that I made for M&M. They were simple to do! I followed Knitterella's tutorial and it was very easy to follow. I didn't make it as big as hers but they are pretty close. The babes love them. They are just now starting to get into grabbing tags on their toys! Haven't had much time to sew these days. I think the babes are teething...Max has been a little monster...the little guy has been waking up screaming from his naps, then that triggeres Mal to wake up! I have had some interesting afternoons! But can't complain too much, they are still sleeping great at night!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008


The moms over at 5MinutesForMom.com are hosting a Blog Party and I am all about a party these days! If you have a blog, head over there and add the banner to your blog and add your blog URL to their list. You can win some great prizes just by visiting 20 blogs (click the links from the 5MinutesForMom site) and all you have to do is leave a comment. Take a peak at their prize list and you'll soon see how fun this can be! And you might stumble upon some cool new blogs you haven't seen before!!

Each Day is a Gift did a little quick get to know you on her blog for the new friends she meets and I thought it was a good little idea! I too am a mom of twins, a boy and a girl who are 5 months old. Loving every minute of it! As of right now I am stay at home mom till May. I have recently gotten into sewing and doing some crafty things in my spare time...which isn't all that much but hope to expand that in the future.

My favorite 7 prizes being given away are:

1. Rocking horse by A Rocking Horse to Love
7. A Bead Dangle Photo Tile by Element Memories
14. 12 x12 Custom Wall Canvas by JuJu Beane Boutique
20. $50 GC to Paperlicious by Paperlicious
58. Customized 6 week fitness plan by Cindy Posey, Go Workout Mom
72. Webcam provided by Liz at This Full House
78. 50 Custom photo cards for any occasion by Polka Dot Bumblebee

Others that Ilike are #'s 7, 97, 117 and 137.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Ta Dah!!!

I finished the bib yesterday. It was a very simple project that took me forever to finish. I broke 3 needles trying to hand sew the velcro on! I ran out of bobbin thread so I had to refill it and then I couldn't get the bobbin back in right. I got frustrated and swore at it several times so I threw in the towel and hand sewed the damn thing! But it looks cute!! I have to polish up my skills on hand sewing the hole at the end, the one you leave so you can turn it right side out. The reverse is a green chenille. Oh, and I sewed a button on where the velcro meets after I took this picture. Mal wore it to a little birthday party last night and we got several compliments on it! I have some more of the flannel flower fabric left so I plan on making some more, just need to put that damn bobbin back in.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Good Cup of Joe!!

Why do they call it a "Cup of Joe"? I looked it up.

Possible origin lies in the birth of America's taste for coffee, which developed in the 19th century after tea was no longer available from British merchants. The phrase may have come into the American English language via a misunderstanding of the French word chaud, which means "hot" and is pronounced similarly.

Another popular theory derives out of World War I where GI Joes drank Coffee to stay up late as minute men. Coffee and GI's were so associated that many generals began to order a Cup of Joe to help identify and work with their subordinates. The phrase was implemented out of respect of soldiers and their choice of drink as it was always made to be readily available and for those in particular who were needed at a minutes notice.

I like the second one!!! I used to Love GI Joe figurines when I was younger. I grew up with only a brother and he is older so I was quite the tom boy.

My mom surprised me yesterday morning with a new Mommy Mug. On the reverse side it says " Our lives were brought together by a greater plan and I am grateful you are a special mother bringing so much love and caring to all you do . Thank you for being a part of my life!"

Friday, February 29, 2008

You knew this was coming...

You can't take one picture of the babes in the laundry and not the other!! Hilarious!!! Had some mommy time yesterday afternoon. Max was sleeping and we hung out. The day before Max was pretty needy so I made sure I had some good time with Mal! Sweet baby!

LOVE freebies!

Was at Each day is a gift and saw her Giveaways post. I am all over that handbag!!! I need a new one, I haven't bought a new one in it seems like forever. I feel to guilty buying one as I would rather buy something for the twins! Can't wait to see if I win!!! 5 minutes for mom has the post. Keeping my fingers crossed!!!!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mommy's little helper!

Had fun taking pictures of Max in the laundry basket...fresh out of the dryer, nice and warm!!!! Mallory was passed out on the floor, just like a little princess, trying to get out of the work.
Almost done making my first bib-it shouldn't have taken me this long but the babes haven't been on the same nap schedule and we went out and about a couple times this week. Much needed. I am so tired of winter...I can't wait for spring to get here. I was reading in the farmers almanac (not sure why I was reading it) but it said that we are going to have a COLD spring and a scortching summer!!! Bums me out as spring is one of my favorite seasons!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

How sweet it is...

After taking a bath the other night, Mal crashed and Max was just hanging out. Sweet little ones! They just love bath time! I have enjoyed the time as well...they are so funny kicking their legs and splashing their faces!

It's so cute when I go into the babes room in the morning. I say good morning to Max and his head pops up like a little turtle and he just starts squirming. It's hilarious!!!! He has such a huge smile on his face!!! Mal is totally different, she just talks and talks and talks and once I flip her over it takes her about 5 minutes to open up her eyes then she flashes me a cute little smile!!!!

I went to JoAnns yesterday and picked up some really cute fabric. I am on to making some bibs! Got a pattern from http://nested.typepad.com/blog/crafts/index.html. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Roly Poly

MAX ROLLED OVER!! On Friday night, my husband and I were both playing with Max on the floor, Mal was sleeping, and we had him on his tummy looking into a mirror and all of a sudden he pushed off with his left arm, swung his left leg over and rolled right over!!! We were both shocked along with Max!! We were so excited. Tried to have him do it again but I think he was tramatized from us screaming and clapping!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Yesterday the babes got their 4 mo shots. They did very well...was afraid they would wake up in the middle of the night but they were sawing logs! Both babes are stuffed up a bit, doc says it isn't a cold, they are just drooling so much and it drains to the back of their throat and they don't know to swallow all the time! Poor little tikes. Doc said that the new recommendation from Pediatricians is to wait to feed them cereal till 6 months. It decreases food allergies and they really don't need another source of food besides formula till then. Hmmmmm we aren't sure about...we decided to go half way, we'll start at 5 months. Any thoughts? Max weighs almost 16 pounds and Mal is 14...so petite...with those CHUBBY cheeks! They are in the 50th percentile for height and weight right now. Pretty darn good for being 4 weeks early.

I went to this baby boutique in town yesterday...HUGE sales but their sales are like normal priced items anywhere else you go. But they have some adorable stuff. Some of the little dresses there inspired me to sew. I REALLY want to get into more crafty time. I could do it after the babes go to bed (9pm) but man, I need my sleep. Still my first project are those taggie blankets...Damn it, tonight I am going to do one!!! My mom is coming over and I am going to hide in the basement and not come up till one is done. It may look like shit but I will finish it.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Chatter box!!

Mallory woke up talking and didn't stop the whole day!! THE GIRL CAN TALK! She is really been vocal the past couple days. And what funny faces she makes. I can't stop laughing at her. When she smiles her big cheeks make her eyes go squinty. It is so stinking cute!! I love it! Max better watch out as Mal is going to drive him crazy!

Am looking for a new hairstyle....I easily get bored with my hair. Maybe it's the color that is frustrating me. Right now it is a blah brown. I think I want something a bit more trendy-er! But then again that means I have to do it every day!

Tomorrow the babes and I are going to venture out to the mall. We have been cooped up inside with 10 inches of snow we got the other day. I need to get some exercise. I have 10 more pounds to lose to hit my prepregnancy weight...and what better than shopping it off!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Wow it has been a long time since I posted....our laptop has been on the fritz! VERY annoying! Anyway, a lot has happened since my last post. I have a new neice...Sophia Jane!! Born onthe 30th of Jan. She is precious! She weighed 9 lbs 11 ounces. Big girl! My twins met her for the first time last night. Got some really cute pictures! My babies look like giants compared to them...it is amazing how fast they are growing! I can't believe it. They aren't tiny anymore.

The babes and I took our first road trip. We went to visit my Aunt down state. Babes did great! I thought for sure they would have problems sleeping but they did awesome. 10 hours each night. I LOVE IT!!! My little cousins, Sadie and Emma love them to pieces. Such great little helpers. We had a great time...can't wait to do it again!

My craft projects have gotten no where and it bums me out. It seems like everytime I try to start something, one of the babies wake up or need me. Can't complain to much, it feels good to be needed. My goal for this week is to atleast get one of the taggie blankets done. Hopefully when the sitter is here on Friday I can get to it.

New things the babes are doing: Mal is talking up a storm. She is hilarious! And they get excited when their Daddy gets home from work. It is so sweet! Their hands and feet just go crazy. Max is full of smiles. Grabbing on to objects and they both are totally into their hands.

Since Lent starts today...I am giving up pop. I never used to drink pop until I was pregnant and now I can't quit drinking it. It needs to stop as I don't drink hardly any water anymore. I need to drop 10 more pounds to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. It would be a lot easier if I worked out....something else I can add to the list. I am also going to try really hard to be an understanding wife. My husband has been working a lot and sometimes I struggle with it. Work is really busy the first couple months of the year and I need to be more understanding. It is just hard as I am with the babies all day and then he gets home from work and then he works some more from home. I only have about another month till it slows down for him. I can do it!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Kroger...a first.

Thursday Mallory and I had few errands to run. She had a hearing test...all is okay-she never received one when she was born due to her being air lifted to U of M and they never did one down there. I had no doubts she could hear but wanted to make sure! She needs a repeat exam in 6 months due to her being in ICU for two weeks...all the beaps and noises could be harmful. Then we drove through the coffee shop and then on to Kroger. Mals first time!! I didn't feel safe putting her car seat on the front of the cart, anyone could bump her and she could fly off. So I put her in the main part. Her eyes were so big..she was cracking me up! Her head kept going from side to side checking everything out! Only had to grab a few things so we weren't long. I think she loves grocery shopping...or any shopping for that matter. That's my girl!!!!

Last week we took the babes to get their pictures taken and today we go to review and order. I can't wait. Thanks to my girlfriend Jill http://www.knitterellablog@blogspot.com who knitted the babes some ADORABLE hats to wear! They are posted on her blog! I need to take some pictures with them wearing them and will post!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

First time bloggin

Today is my first time bloggin. I have been inspired by two of my great friends to start. I love reading their blogs and it's a great way of sharing and keeping tract of the new things the twins are doing. Mallory just started smiling at me today...well several times. She has been talking up a storm the past month but no smiles for me. She would only smile at her Dad for the past week and finally she has been cracking them at me all day! It just warms my heart. Max on the other hand has been smiling like crazy the past 3 weeks or so. He has definitly became more vocal but I think Mal still beats him when it comes to chatting. I have been feeling creative lately and think I am going to start sewing again. I can run downstairs while the babes are napping-they are starting to set into a routine so it makes it easier to get things done. I am going to do some small projects so I feel like I accomplished something. I think I am gong to do some cards. A friend of mine made her Christmas cards by sewing a piece of fabric onto the card. It was a Christmas tree...really cute. Might start with some birthday cards. Will let you know how it goes.